Thoughts of the random variety

I often feel like I don’t know what I’m doing. I assume most people feel the same because it would be reeeeaaaaal awkward if it were just me. Sometimes it’s like being adrift in my work, hobbies, relationships, and even my own head. I get the impression I should be expressing this in some way, but on the whole, I find myself spending a lot of time thinking without writing anything down. It’s silly, I know, not to blog, tweet, Facebook, or Instagram every single thing that runs through my head. It’s like experiencing a disconnect from how the rest of society is communing.

Most of the time, I think it’s because I don’t feel that anything I have to say is all that important. As if my thoughts on gingerbread versus sugar cookies aren’t as important as anyone else’s. I mean, have you looked at the state of social media lately? I’m not even talking about the comments because that’s a whole other can of cliche. For every meaningful, thought-out post, there are a thousand pieces of vile word vomit. And I know we’ve all got that one relative who won’t stop posting every “unbelievable trick that doctors don’t want you to know about.” Look, Aunt Edna, you find me some doctors that went out of business from having too many healthy patients and maybe I’ll start listening. (I’ll rant about the state of American health care at a later date.)

One of the issues I fight with the most is procrastination. It’s probably connected to my various depression and anxiety issues, but I’ll have to remember to discuss that with my therapist later. Just writing this simple post has taken me more than a week thanks to putting it off, rewriting, and otherwise finding excuses to do other things. This seems bad, but if you’re writing about procrastinating, then more procrastination only gives you more time to think about what to write. You hear that, procrastination? You’re actually being helpful, so suck it!

So when taken together, my low opinion on the importance of my own thoughts combined with my exceptional talent to put things off makes social media a terrifying beast to tackle. Almost as bad as trying to convince people to quit baking inferior sugar cookies when they could be making gingerbread. Honestly, gingerbread is just as easy to decorate and has features like actual flavor. And yet, some people just won’t accept that they’re wrong. They keep saying things like “nobody was talking about cookies” and “how did you get in here — I’m calling security.”

I don’t think I have any real point here, but maybe that’s the point? Loads of people share their thoughts just because they can. For some reason, when I see other people do it, I assume they have more expertise, confidence, or right to do so. And some of them even enjoy sugar cookies. So maybe there are more people out there like me just waiting to be told that their thoughts matter and that someone will value what they have to say. Or maybe I just need to hear that and I might as well be the one to say it. Either way, go for it! Express yourself, find your tribe, and surround yourself with positive cookie vibes!


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